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The audaciousness of Ignite 1.0 allowed us to iteratively build an even more audacious Ignite 2.0. Armed with the insights gleaned during Ignite 2.0 we (you guessed it!) iterated to an even more audacious Ignite 3.0. Unlike previous Ignite iterations however, Ignite 3.0 doesn't require an active online presense & we are thus - yet to overhaul this website.
We will likely be exiting our quasi-stealth operating mode during late 2024/2025 so until then this website and the majority of its content can be taken to represent Ignite 2.0 as at December 2021-ish.


Policy changes. Millions of lives.
We need legislative changes similar in substance to New York's A3887B, mandating K-12 mental health education for every high-school student and California's SB-660, establishing minimum target councilor ratios for every public college, scaled from a handful of states to all 50 states. On an accelerated timeline.
How can we catalyze the achievement of policy and legislative changes capable of achieving the Health Moonshots, in the shortest possible time?
Join us on the journey to catalyze the policy changes needed to transform the future of mental health.
Campus Leader Portal
Campus Leader Portal
Nationwide pilot semester
Spring 2020: Pilot semester launched in 33+ States across the nation.
Insight collection, review and model iteration.
2020 Pilot Campuses


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